Plant-Specific Guides Are you looking for tips and tricks to keep your new plant happy?Let us help you with our comprehensive, plant-specific care guides. Philodendron McDowell Care (#1 Guide for this RARE Hybrid!) Philodendron Micans Care (Propagation TOP #1 tips!) Aglaonema Silver Bay (Growing & Propagation #1 TIPS!) Peperomia Obtusifolia (Growing & Propagation #1 HACKS!) Peperomia Frost (#1 Care & Propagation for a THRIVING plant!) Hoya Imbricata Care (& Propagation #1 Best GUIDE!) Manjula Pothos Care & Propagation #1 GUIDE Hawaiian Pothos #1 Best Care Tips & what to AVOID Cebu Blue Pothos #1 Best Tips for this RARE vine Monstera Peru #1 Care for THRIVING Plant Neon Pothos #1 Care Tips & what to AVOID Anthurium Veitchii #1 Tips for a THRIVING King Philodendron Atabapoense #1 Best Care Hacks Anthurium Forgetii #1 BEST Care Hacks String of Turtles Care (#1 SECRET Tips for Peperomia Prostrata!) Page1 Page2 Page3 Page4 Page5 Page6 Page7 Page8 Page9 Page10